The following will help you register your new Warrior for the upcoming school year.
Step 1: Pre-Registration Forms
Online registration is located in our Parent Portal system at www.warrenisd.net/ParentPortal. If you do not have an account you can create one very easily.
For an introduction to the online registration system, please watch the video below.
Additional Instructions can be found below:
For instructions for new students, CLICK HERE
For instructions for returning students, CLICK HERE
Step 2: Finalize Registration
You will be contacted by Warren ISD later this summer to complete the final steps in the registration process.
Help Contact Information
For help, please contact the campus your student attends:
Fred Elementary School - (409) 429-3240
Warren Elementary School - (409) 547-2240
Warren Junior High School - (409) 547-2247
Warren High School - (409) 547-2241